Tuesday, December 11, 2007

For You Aunt Nancy! :)

So..I kept bringing up the window to post a new post, but I never actually got around to it! Life has just been so hectic lately! However, it's now midnight and I have a quiet moment to post a quick post :)...

So I will finish my Exams on Friday! It's so crazy that the semester is already over! I am already finished with 3 classes!! :) YAY!! I'm so excited because I will be taking next semester off. After Kevin and I get married I will have free schooling at LU. So, we decided that it would be silly for me to get another student loan when I could wait a semester.

So we've been busy wedding planning and with church and with school and with the Christmas Play and with work that I haven't really gotten to post, but that's why :P To sum it up...I know that this is a pretty lame blog, but I will try to do better next time! :) Now here are some pictures, as requested by Aunt Nancy! :) Love you!!