Friday, September 4, 2009

The last leg...

Wow..where has time gone? I'm officially in my third trimester! =) 3 months until I get to meet our little boy!! =) SO exciting! Not so exciting for Mommy's back, but super exciting for Mommy and Daddy! Went to the dr on Wed. and she said that everything was perfect. I love it when she tells me that! I'm not even getting yelled at about weight gain anymore. =)

We had a great mini-vaca with Mom and Dad and the girls last weekend. That was a much needed break and tons of fun! Rented a house and a boat =)

Kevin is really enjoying his new job. He's a deputy at Bedford Co. Sheriff's Office. The not-so-fun part is the 12 hour days that rotate from nights to days every month, but he having fun with the rest of it! I'm glad he's found something that he truly enjoys! His little boy is going to be so proud of his daddy! =)

I'm back to school full-time and work part-time. That's insane! Especially when you're growing a person full-time too! I have to finish up all of my classes early this semester so that I'll be all finished when he comes. That's scary! Especially since my education classes are so involved! I'm tutoring every Monday from 4-6:30 and then going to LCA to be in a Kindgergaden class every Thursday 9:15-10:30. CRAZY schedule! I have to teach 3 lessons this semester and do lots and lots of work!! PRAY FOR ME PLEASE! God's been giving me strength though! I just need more motivation =).

The Assembly is coming up quickly! The closer it gets the more excited I'm getting! Not totally sure that we'll be there though =( Pray God will work it out! Kevin's work schedule is pretty crazy around that time.

Well, I guess that's all I've got for now....Here's a older few pics =)

Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm alive world!

Hey guys! I haven't written in a really long time! There's nothing going on at work though so I thought I'd update a little.

We're pregnant!! =) I am now 21 weeks pregnant with a very active baby boy. =) God has definitely blessed us indeed! Our little boy doesn't seem to stop moving! When we went to find out the sex of the baby he didn't stop moving! We have a 10 minute video of our little boy moving non-stop the whole time! =) I think we like the name Brayden Jacob. Or maybe Brayden Michael. Or maybe Christian...we're not sure yet ;-). We're so excited though! I'm definitely starting to show! I've been having quite frequent mental breakdowns in my closet. Nothing fits anymore!!!!!! It's crazy...and I can't find any maternity clothes anywhere either. What's wrong with these people? They're sections are all super tiny and there's nothing there. I think I'm going to check Target tonight....

On another note things are going great in our region! We had an amazing Youth Camp last week! It was so wonderful to see God pour out His Spirit on our young people. I think the best part was watching the young people pray for others. My cousin Andrew got saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost all in one night!! The young people just poured around him and helped pray him through. It was such a blessing to watch! I was the cabin leader for the 15 and up cabin. Our cabin theme was "Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition". That was pretty cool! It made for some neat, thought provoking devotions!

I guess that's all for now...I'll try and keep you up to date, but no promises ;-)